I am waiting. Waiting. You'd think I have dedicated myself entirely to the task, to waiting on next weekend when I can read my manuscript.
Hmm-mmm, no. I think I'm supposed to be reading other novels, various things. I can't bring myself to do it. I don't know why. Perhaps it's because I still can't shake LPT out of my head. And I don't want to, really, because I love the characters and the story so much I really do want to sit around and think of it all day.
I completed the first draft of LPT on March 13... I will be reading the manuscript next Saturday, April 10 so that's roughly a month. Not a lot of time, exactly, but I knew I wasn't willing to wait too long before I went back to work. (Really, I can't wait any longer.) So if there's not that much separation in literal time, should I be more detached psychologically? I think maybe. But then again, I don't know. And I'm not necessarily looking for the best answer, either.
There exists, in my apartment, a stack of soon-to-be-read art magazines that I will most likely entertain. But... Should I read other novels?
Perhaps it would be good for me to read other stories and detach. Making too big of a deal about this, maybe.
Just wrote my first play for a catholic school... Want to read that? It's only 22 pages. A light read. We're going to be doing the production in winter I think. All profits will go toward funding scholarships for inner city kids to attend private schools. It's a one woman show for a student of mine at the art school.