The most important thing I did at the age of 24 was write my second novel. LPT. I wrote a novel about a painter. Still, I am in awe over the topic. There's simply nothing more I love than writing novels and learning about art... The two together leave little to be desired.
Age 25 means time to revise.
But I still need to let it rest. I was going to read the manuscript this weekend (too soon? I can't stand it, I can't wait) but with an influx of friends to town, I'll have to postpone. Next weekend, same story. So-oo... mid April? God, that seems like so long...
There have been no blog updates because my mind is on repeat. I can't wait to read my own novel, that's all I can think.
The deadline was met. The word.doc awaits.... Everything is going according to plan.
I did have a great birthday. The E's and I--Elizabeth, Emily, Erin and I gathered in my loft for a surprise bottle of birthday bubbly (thank you Michael!) before dinner at Garibaldi.
Emily, me, Erin & Elizabeth
Elizabeth saw this and asked, "What were we double fisting?"
"Um, Honey and Yellow Label..."
And Erin says, "Honey + Veuve = bad, bad news..."
Apparently these guys sang me Happy Birthday at the table. I don't remember this, per se, but they're some group in town for the Savannah Music Festival.
And, again.
"Blurry," pretty much sums up our experience at Bacchus. Note the switch to Blue Moon.
Congress, on the way to my loft/Mercury/the boys.
Birthday surprise from my neighbor. Plan on sharing that this weekend!
Thanks to my friends for making this night so great! This was so much fun. And I haven't even mentioned the cupcakes! My best friend and my mom made cupcakes. I literally received three dozen cupcakes on my birthday--chocolate with vanilla frosting (a la Liz) and lemon poppy seed with lemon icing + chocolate with peanut butter filling and chocolate mousse frosting from Mom. Delicious. It should really be my birthday more often.
Or maybe, for each complete draft of LPT that I render, we should celebrate this way. Dozens of cupcakes included.
*Thank you EMILY PIKE for taking pictures. Xo.
Glad you enjoyed the cuppies! Nothing like good friends and good wine to celebrate your birthday! xoxo....and you will know her by the red boots!